10 Moving Tips



10 moving tips
Image by Krista A. Jones

We moved this weekend! I’m so glad the hard part is over — but now our house is a total wreck and the real fun begins. Thankfully Austin’s parents came to town to help us and we honestly couldn’t have made this move (with me being pregnant) without them. My family was also here to help and we had so much fun moving in the snow (ha!).  We are so grateful for both of our families! I’ve moved quite a bit in the last 10 years – from my two apartments in NYC, to my stay in Charleston, back up to a historic apartment in Annapolis, then to our most recent house. Over time I’ve become quite experienced in moving yourself (and I swear this is the last time) and thought I’d share a few helpful tips today.

1. Accept and enlist help. This is always hard for me because I hate soliciting help especially if it involves hauling boxes and heavy lifting — but the truth is people are always willing and eager to help out when they can. And remember, your friends could always use a helping hand when it’s their time to move too. Instead of just having everyone come to your house at the same time ask friends to come for 2 hour shifts.

2. Have snacks & waters on hand. Plan ahead and have plenty of snacks, water bottles and gatorade on hand for your helpers. Pre-order lunch and have it delivered and be sure to have paper towels, paper plates and cups available.

3. Take breaks. It’s important to sit down, if only for 5 minutes to rest. Be sure everyone helping also takes a breather every hour.

4. Label your boxes. Use bright tape and markers to clearly label each box with the area of the house you want it moved to, i.e. UPSTAIRS, BASEMENT, LIVING ROOM etc. Color coding is also helpful. Then, detail what’s exactly in the box, it will make unpacking so much easier.

5. Pack a moving bag. Fill it with essentials you need to get through the day so you aren’t digging through boxes: cleaning supplies, chargers, Advil, bandaids. It’s also helpful to pack an overnight bag with your toiletries and a change of clothes.

6. Load your moving truck strategically. Put the items you’ll need first in last.

7. Use sweaters & scarves for breakables. Save on bubble wrap and use sweaters, teeshirts and even scarves to wrap your dishes, breakables and picture frames.

8. Utilize your car. I pack all of my frames, artwork, lamps and TV in my car along with any other items I’m worried about breaking. It eases my mind to know they are safe!

9. Get in your new house early. If possible negotiate the start of your lease so you can get in at least a day early to do a pre-clean. Do a quick clean in all your bathrooms, open windows to air out the place, line the kitchen shelves with liner so you are ready to unload on moving day.

10. Change your address early. It always seems to take way longer than planned for your mail to start arriving at your new house so change it early. Aside from changing your address with the USPS and MVA, leave a note in your mailbox for your mail carrier letting them know about your move, the change date and new address. It’s also helpful to leave a note for the new tenants at your old house with your contact information so you can pick up any mail or packages that may arrive after your move.




10 Moving Tips



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