I can’t believe our breastfeeding journey is more than half-way over. Because of my very restricted diet with Piper’s allergies I’ve had a goal of nursing Piper for a year. In the past 8 months I’ve learned a ton and come a long way, though I’m certainly no expert in the field! I thought I’d share a few products that I’ve come to rely on.
Hands free bra for pumping. I didn’t realize I needed this until a friend told me! I have this Medela one.
Bottle & part sanitizer. I swear by these quick steam bags and for Valentine’s Day Austin got us this Baby Brezza which we LOVE! I use the bags still but it’s easy to quickly wash bottles and load up the steamer at the end of the day.
Manual breast pump. This is by far easier (for me) to take out places when I’m traveling and need to pump. No outlet required — though your hand does get a good workout! I have (and love) this Medela manual pump — but this one is also supposed to be great.
Products for cleaning on the go. I keep a little bottle of Babyganics bottle cleaner in our diaper bag and these wipes are great for wiping down the breast pump parts. I recently got these brushes from Munchkin which make cleaning pump parts so much easier and I wish I had them earlier on.
Extra bottles + nipples. For some reason it took us 7 months to purchase enough bottles to never be stuck washing and sterilizing them at the last minute. One of the things I hated most about pumping at the beginning was always having to clean bottles and parts — have a nice full stock of clean bottles and nipples has made our life infinitely better and I wish we would have done this months ago!
Breast pads. You’ll want these from the start and I still sometimes use them when I’m going to be out for a while. I like both disposable and reusable.
Relief for the first few weeks. Nipple cream + booby tubes (the best)! I tried a ton of different nipple creams and balms. Ultimately I liked the lanolin based ones to really help (I was bleeding and in a lot of pain) and then Zoe Organics Nipple Balm for maintenance after the first few weeks. I also had to use a nipple shield at times — but I would suggest consulting with your doctor or lactation consultant before you use one, let me say it was an enormous help the first week.
Nursing pillow. Many people swear by nursing pillows but they just didn’t work for me. I tried the Boppy but wish I tried My Breast Friend – because I think it would have helped me better.
Lactation snacks. I’ll do a more in-depth post on this soon — but I swear by Mother’s Milk tea, Oat Mama bars and homemade lactation cookies.
You can read more of my breastfeeding tips here.
Image by Olive Juice Photography
15+ Products To Make Breastfeeding Easier