
The past 4 1/2 years I’ve been lucky enough to call this amazing city home. I’ve met incredible friends that I will have forever, mastered the art of public transportation, attended photo shoots, gone to meetings at Vogue, hand delivered packages in Antigua, rarely taken a lunch break, walked for blocks & blocks with my girl friends, I’ve spoken to SJP (& her son) on the phone and danced along side of Mischa Barton and Paris Hilton. I’ve mastered my baking skills, learned to be firecely independent, had crazy nights in the Jersey Shore and solo sun bathing sessions in Coney Island, attended fashion shows and fallen in love with brunch. I’ve traveled to Palm Springs, Las Vegas, Austin, LA, SF & Park City to work. I’ve discovered my love for Venezuelan, Indian & Thai food and learned the good value of BYOB restaurants, and I’ve been photographed by Patrick McMullan more than once.
I’ve led a life I never thought I would.
But it’s time to move on to my next adventure. I’m not quite sure what that will be, but it will include a summer pit stop in Maryland, hello suburbs!




  1. Lauren says:

    You will be missed! Glad to have been a part of your NYC adventure! We’ll await your return ;) In the meantime, onto your next great adventure…

  2. I just got teary eyed reading that gf. It was a pleasure seeing your beautiful face 5 days a week. You should be so proud of yourself Cait! You’re a fantastic role model :)

    Pls kit, i miss you already!

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