5 Tips For Hosting Friendsgiving



It’s about that time! I’ve always loved the idea of Friendsgiving — spending time with your close friends before you celebrate the holidays with your family. I’ve partnered with Caricature Wines to share a few tips on hosting your own Friendsgiving this year. Follow my tips, have plenty of good wine on hand and you’ll have a wonderful night!

Images by Krista A. Jones

1. Keep the appetizers light – you don’t want your guests to fill up before the big meal. Offer your friends a glass of sparkling wine when they arrive (light & refreshing!) and put out a small cheese plate, crudites and a simple dip.

2. Take the time to create an informal tablescape for your friends. Keep it easy, but placecards, fresh flowers, festive linens and candles go a long way. Make a fun playlist of upbeat music for mingling and old school jazz tunes for the meal. Create little cards and ask your friends to write what they are thankful for this year.

3. Seek help from your friends. You take care of the main dish (turkey!) and wine, but enlist your guests to bring sides & dessert. This takes a ton of stress off you and makes it a collaborative effort which is more fun to enjoy.

4. Decant your wine and serve it in the proper glasses –you’ll be amazed at the way this changes your experience. Offer guests two options for red and two for white. We loved Caricature’s Old Vine Zin and their Cabernet.

5. Post dinner bring out dessert wines, hot coccoa, tea and games!  




5 Tips For Hosting Friendsgiving



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