
Tank & Short Lounge Set, $14.94, Old Navy/ Bodum French Press, $59.99, Amazon/ Picnic Basket, $16.99, Target/Painting by me/Paintbrushes, Amazon, $3.40 / Camp shirt, $17.50, Old Navy/ Cut-offs, Forever21, $4.99/Straw hat, Target

Since I’ve been traveling most of the month, I’m really excited about having a stay-cation this Memorial Day weekend. While I couldn’t help but plan a little trip across the Bay Bridge to visit a few wineries and eat some seafood, we are staying in town the majority of the weekend. We have a double date planned for tonight at one of my favorite local restaurants, are having dinner at my parents (I’m making this appetizer & this cocktail which I changed right after I finished making this post and why the pictures don’t make sense -such is life) and going to a friends BBQ on Monday. I also hope to do some painting – one of my pieces is pictured above. My collection of paintings is growing and my wall space seems to be shrinking – would you be interested in buying my paintings if I sold a few here?
I hope you have a relaxing, productive and sunny weekend!





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