In this series we share birth stories of all kinds from mothers around the globe — with the hope that they inspire, educate and inform expecting mothers. Interested in sharing your birth story? Email us at info@themamanotes.com . You can read more birth stories here.
Mama – Morgan
Baby- Cooper John
Location- Santa Rosa, CA
Birthdate – December 9, 2017
Size – 6lbs and 18in
It was February 2017 when I first found out I was growing a little poppyseed. My husband and I were overjoyed and we felt privileged to be chosen to raise, nurture and love this tiny human. Once we found out we were having a boy, we decided on the name Cooper John in loving memory of my father Michael John and my husband’s uncle John.
After 9 glorious months, I hit my due date November 30th and my little man cub was still in full hibernation. Come December 8th I was scheduled to come into the hospital at 8pm to be induced. I packed my hospital bag with all the necessities and my husband and I went out to a very nice romantic dinner. Once in the hospital we were told I would be given misotopin to help ripen my cervix then come the following day they would administer the Pitocin and I would hopefully have Cooper within the next couple of days. I really didn’t want to be on Pitocin as I wanted to have my son as natural as possible. I knew my birth plan wouldn’t go exactly how I wanted it too as my son was in control but I still wanted to stick to it as much as possible.
We were told to rest and get as much sleep possible, which mind you is very hard to do when you have nurses coming in every few hours to check in on you. My mom and our close friend came to keep us company for a while but I sent them both home around midnight to get some attempted shut eye. It was about 3am when they administered my second dose of misotopin and that’s when my contractions started. By 5am I was in full blown labor but had no idea. I was in extraordinary pain and I kept feeling the urge to use the restroom. Who knew having the urge to go number two really meant having to push. Thank goodness I didn’t give birth in the toilet with all that pushing I had attempted.
By 5:30 I told the nurse I was in excruciating pain and that I was struggling to use the restroom, at that moment she checked to see how dialated I was. Her exact words were “you are having your son right now.” Within minutes my room was filled with a midwife and nurses and I was being told to push. I grasped my husband’s hand and pushed with all I got. I felt so vulnerable yet so empowered. With the umbilical cord wrapped around Cooper’s neck and my heart rate going down, I had to give it my all, so I roared like a lioness and out came my handsome son. It was 5:42 and he was 6lbs and 18inches of perfection. When I held him for the first time, tears poured out of my eyes knowing I was officially a mother. I was afraid of the uncertainty of motherhood but excited for the journey we were embarking.
Sense then, motherhood has been selflessly sacrificial and a joyous blessing. I have learned to value every challenge and delight in the excitement and curiosity Cooper has to offer. He has taught me to be patient, strong and grateful. I am proud to be Cooper’s mother and our love continues to grow stronger each day we are granted.
Cooper’s Birth Story