In this series we share birth stories of all kinds from mothers around the globe — with the hope that they inspire, educate and inform expecting mothers. Interested in sharing your birth story? Email us at . Read more birth stories here.
I fully believe my exercise regime helped me prepare for the worst pain I’ve ever experienced and mentally achieve one of the hardest physical feats a human can naturally face (I’ve run three marathons and you gotta have some major grit to get through them).
My short 4 hour labor started on my due date, which I was thrilled by! We had our 40 week appointment that morning and it seems our doctor waved some good mojo over my uterus. I signed off work early because I wasn’t feeling well and when my husband got home around 4 pm he drew me a bath, then went downstairs to lift some weights! Meanwhile my water broke while having contractions in the tub. Mine were immediately REALLY close apart, but very short (like 10 seconds), so we thought we were in for a long process until they were longer sets. However, they were extremely painful, so I was starting to think something was wrong. (NOPE! Just good ole’ contractions).
Now I may have some mental toughness, but it doesn’t mean I wasn’t a screamer. At one point I notice husband closing the windows in the house because he, ahem, was worried the neighbors might hear.
We scoot down to the hospital and I stubbornly walk myself in. I”m pretty certain they were doing the “expectant parents tour” as I moaned my way down the hallway.
I went from 4 cm to 7 in about 20 minutes and then 7 to 10 just about as fast. We had an incredible nurse there to help me move around and keep my body safe and encourage me as I ventured into the world of a fully natural, no meds birth. We had no time to use the essential oils I packed. No time to hang the signs of peace my family wrote. We didn’t even have time to move the car from the emergency lane.
My pushing was hard, but I was determined and focused. Cullen came to be with us just after 8 pm without a single dose of pain meds or labor aids.
My husband glowed in awe and I have never been so relieved.
Then we went down the long road of pumping AND breastfeeding with the postpartum roller coaster. I won’t go into that since it’s a whole other story ;)
The Lord has truly Blessed our family with a beautiful and healthy grandson.
I pray daily the Lord will watch over him and he will have desire to follow Jesus and love and serve Him.
As much as I could brag on my grandson, I must say what
great parents he has also.
This child is loved so very much !
They were amazing! I remember every moment, especially when I said: you can do this! Turn off the lights, and Jay! Play her music on your phone! I turned her every which way and then a beautiful boy was born❤️
Children's books have always had a special place in my heart, and sharing them with my girls is one of my favorite parts of motherhood. Learn more about my Usborne Books & More business!
The Lord has truly Blessed our family with a beautiful and healthy grandson.
I pray daily the Lord will watch over him and he will have desire to follow Jesus and love and serve Him.
As much as I could brag on my grandson, I must say what
great parents he has also.
This child is loved so very much !
They were amazing! I remember every moment, especially when I said: you can do this! Turn off the lights, and Jay! Play her music on your phone! I turned her every which way and then a beautiful boy was born❤️