Have you tried making rainbow rice for your kids? It’s a messy yet fun sensory play experience that you can do many things with! It’s very easy to make and one batch will last you a while – just keep in mind once you mix the colors there’s no going back! For this reason, I often make a large batch and save some sorted to use on another day.
When can you start using sensory rice with your kids? Only you can answer that! Whenever you are confident your little one won’t put the rice in their mouth is a good time to start!
We like to use funnels, scoops, glass jars and these fun tongs with our sensory rice. You can also hide puzzle pieces and magnets for educational activities!
I’ve tried making rainbow sensory rice a few different ways – and most recently I’ve been adding about 1-2 cups of white rice, 1tbs of rubbing alcohol and a squirt of acrylic paint into a bag. I let my kids help me shake it up and disperse the paint until all of the rice is covered. Then we lay it out to dry on a lined cookie sheet. It takes 2-3 hours, I stir in-between to break up any clumps.
DIY Rainbow Rice