It’s been entirely too long since I did one of my weekly recaps. I really struggle with consistency here and it’s something I am trying to hold myself accountable for and work on this year! I really love putting these posts together because it’s an excuse to read blogs for an hour :) Here are some of my favorite finds from the week! We are off to Great Wolf Lodge for the weekend, Piper is soooo excited and I can’t wait to experience it all with her!
I shared some wallpapers for your phone on Instagram stories on Monday – this one is my favorite!
Have you heard about the documentary The True Cost? It’s an eyeopening look at the world of fast fashion. My friend Julia wrote a really great blog post about it and I hope to find time to watch it myself this weekend. I’ve been consuming entirely too much fashion lately (the more I shop and share the more money I make) and it’s something I’ve been trying to strategize on and figure out a long term plan, because I don’t like shopping as much as I have been.
And on that same note Jess Kirby has a REALLY informative post on the most harmful fabrics in fashion and their impact on the environment. This is really eye opening and again… causing me to really do some deep thinking about my current business model as someone who consumes so much fast fashion.
Studio DIY created a fun and colorful capsule collection for Kip & Co. Perfect for a playroom!
This is a great read on how to talk to a friend who is going through infertility.
Love this post from Liz Adams about….her boobs! I also have dense breast tissue and don’t feel like I’ve been proactive enough. I love the steps she’s taking (and sharing) to be preventative.
I love all these art prints Carrie has rounded up!
Couldn’t agree more… there are SO many buzzworthy books about motherhood coming out right now. This post is a great resource!
And in case you missed it….
I feel so honored to have teamed up with some of my favorite bloggers to talk about mental health… please take a minute to read our personal posts.
I shared my 5 minute makeup routine on IGTV – and all the products are linked here!
Everything You Need To Know This Week