This week was a DOOZY! Piper and I got hit with a cold on Sunday and I’m still feeling so under the weather, but at least she seems to be doing better. I’m an anxious person in general, but when I’m gearing up for a vacation (overseas none the less) I go into full on panic mode around the clock. Preparing to be out of work at Glitter Guide and Kruse & Vieira for nearly two weeks is an undertaking as many of you can probably relate. I know all my work this week will pay off when we are in Italy drinking wine and eating pasta (two of my favorite things in life). Heck, I will just be excited to be on the plane for hours with time to myself to sleep, browse the web, watch movies and read — and I hate flying so that’s saying a lot!
Our master bathroom reno is nearly finished, hopefully by the time this publishes it will be DONE! It’s been a LONG project and I’ve really learned a ton – I’ll be doing a post about it soon. I’m most looking forward to having our bedroom back (we’ve been sleeping in the playroom)! Here’s a peek…
I picked up this sweater at Madewell for our trip and this color has been dominating my wardrobe (and life) lately. It’s so cozy and I love the ballerina -esque tie….it’s also on sale right now. And Piper’s little dress is from Old Navy (I have the exact same one).
Love Honest’s new campaign dedicated to connecting parents over shared moments.
I shared a video of Piper doing yoga on my Instagram and got so many question about it – we just started this week and have been watching the Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube. Piper loooooves it! She doesn’t last the whole video by any means but she’s been asking to do yoga every day and does watch the TV for a good bit and tries to do ‘the moves’. It’s quite adorable! Part of this excitement is probably because she’s allowed to watch TV and that’s thrilling to her, she typically only gets to watch Sesame Street on the weekend mornings.
Have you joined our private Facebook group for moms? I’m in a few of these groups and they have been so helpful in my experience with motherhood so far….. hope you’ll join us!
Sorry I don’t have any real groundbreaking mom fails to share this week….. our house has been a disaster, there is laundry all over the couch, Piper’s done way too many “yoga” videos and we skipped her first dentist appointment!
Finds & Mom Fails Of The Week