I’ve posted several times about our breastfeeding journey — sharing tips and 15+ products that make it easier but today I thought I’d share a quick list of resources online that I found helpful. I can’t emphasize enough how helpful it was for me to read up and educate myself on breastfeeding before I came home with Piper – though it’s still scary and new I felt a little more familiar with the process because of what I had done to prepare! So here are a few helpful sites….
Kelly Mom : By far the most comprehensive guide online! When googling certain questions this site comes up time and time again and is a great place to start.
La Leche League International: La Leche League helps women all over the world with breasfeeding – you can find everything on this site from local experts and lactation consultants to forums, message boards, a blog and more.
Lactation Link: An awesome resource for mothers — featuring online breastfeeding courses, an educational blog and more. Check out my interview with Lindsey here!
Nancy Mohrbacher: Nancy has devoted much of her life to educating and helping families with breastfeeding — she has a great resource section on her site, a blog she updates somewhat regularly and even an app.
Medela: I actually found the Medela site helpful, especially when learning to pump. I also check their blog every once in a while which has helpful tips!
*Image above via the Medela blog!
Helpful Resources Online For Breastfeeding