Inspiration: Fashion Week Prep Guide



It’s hard for me to believe that another season of New York Fashion Week (NYFW) is here already! While this is one of my favorite times of year, it’s also super stressful! I try to start planning my outfits and prepping about a month before my trip so I’m sure to be feeling my very best. I thought I’d share my plan today. This regimen works for me before any big event (like my best friend’s wedding this fall!).

1. Eat Clean: I try to eat clean and cook every day! Nix eating out and stock up on healthy snacks.
2. Cut out alcohol + sugar: This is easier said than done for me, I love a nightly glass of wine — but it makes my complexion much better when I cut it out and my face less puffy.
3. Whiten teeth: I swap my regular toothpaste for a whitening one ( I like this Deeply White by Rembrandt ) and I also use these Intense Stain Dissolving Strips (which are awesome!)
4. Get hair done: I always get a trim and my color fixed before a big event.
5. Exercise daily: This is especially helpful at relieving the stress that comes along with this crazy time. Plus it leaves me feeling confident in my clothes.
6. Get 8 hours of sleep: So so so important!!! Start getting into bed an hour earlier and giving yourself time to unwind + unplug without any electronics.
7. Facials: I’m getting my first facial (ever) next week, but in the meantime I stick to an at-home Sunday routine which includes my favorite masks and this M-61 Power Glow Peel (I’m obsessed!).
8. Get a gel manicure: I always do my own nails, but for a week of events it’s best to have a gel manicure so I don’t have to worry about chipping.
9. Gradual self tanner: I tend to start using sunless tanner before any big event and like to gradually build up to a bronze.
10. Plan + pack: I hate the pressure of packing for a week and try to get as organized as possible ahead of time. This allows me time to shop for a few new items and figure out what my wardrobe needs.




Inspiration: Fashion Week Prep Guide



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