Bringing back our WORKING FROM HOME series and I’m so excited about it!!! You can read more interviews with mamas who work from home here!
Tell us about yourself and your work.
Hi! I am Kristen. I am a working, SAHM – oxymoron, I know. I have two boys, ages 4 and almost 2. We live in Seattle, in an area of the city named Queen Anne. We are a total urban fam who loves walkability and spending time at local parks and beaches. I am a Digital Marketing Manager for a few clothing lines, based in LA. I manage primarily Influencer Marketing and brand messaging. I also am the Fashion Editor for
Lucie’s List. We’re a parent (and grandparent) guide for all things pregnancy thru preschool. I focus on all apparel and accessories you might need from maternity wear to sleep sacks. I do round-up’s, reviews and offer suggestions for our readers. We have almost 430k subscribers currently!
Did you start working from home before you had kids or after?
I was previously at Nordstrom Corporate and decided during my maternity leave from my first son, I wanted to stay home and be with him and chose not to go back. Working is an important part of who I am, so I networked my connections in retail to find something I could do from home. So to answer your question, after :)
Are your children home with you or do you have childcare/school?
We have help from family a few days a week and my husband also works from home/himself. I leave and go to an office to work. I rent a space in a Co Op. Its much more efficient and then when I am home, I am home and not working (or working as much). My oldest goes to preschool a few days a week, half day too.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Every day is different. Usually drop my older son at school and then head to a quick 40 min workout. From there my office is right next door and I work until my son is ready for school pick up. I pick him up and then head home and try and be done for work for the day at that time, but if not I always try and work during his and my youngest, nap times. My cut off is 5PM. I never work past 5 and never on Saturday and Sunday – unless a pre planned exception.
What’s your best work-from-home hack?
I try and utilize their screen time allowances and naps to my advantage so I can bust out as much work as I can. I save left over work for after they go to bed. I am not a morning person so working before they wake in the AM doesn’t work for me!
What’s the biggest challenge about working from home?
The hardest thing working from home is the literal balance. Making a meal for them and then hoping back online while they eat. Or my other hurdle is usually work calls from home. I try and schedule during their nap times but that’s challenging as that’s when the working world usually is on lunch. I have had so many times my oldest is yelling in the background “I HAVE TO GO PEES MAMA,” in the middle of an important convo – HA!
How do you stay organized with life and work?
I use my phone calendar to a fault. That thing is so packed with appointments and reminders, its insane. But the alerts are pivotal and keep me on track.
How do you like to unwind at the end of the week?
I usually unwind by playing with the boys and putting my phone up in my room. Being free from technology and being unconnected is really relaxing and freeing.
What are you reading right now?
I am currently reading “How to Get Shit Done” by Erin Falconer. Because I always need help in being efficient and she is a bad ass mama!
And what’s your favorite kids book?
We are big lovers of The Little Blue Truck. We have them all and love reading them all, time and time again!
If you could offer one tip on how to balance working from home while being a mom what would it be?
Try and centralize your life as much as you can. Our Pediatrician, Dentist, my hairstylist, gym – all appointment type items, I have set up with in a 2 mile/10 min drive radius. I don’t have time to drive 30+ minutes for a hair cut. Driving time is lost time for me so I try and have all our “places” super close to home (if I can wlak there, even better!). Kids go to the doctor so often (hello flu season) that having your Ped be a 40 min drive is torture when you are short on time and your babe is in maj pain!
Excellent summary of life in the fast lane for an at home mom. I commend the mother for wanting to be with her little ones when they are young. Moms reap the benefits as they will have a well adjusted teenager. Did it her way, being at home during the formative years and can attest to the results. Amen!