10 Tips For Your Most Organized Holiday Shopping Season Yet




Ready or not, holiday shopping season is upon us. And I’m definietly not one that is organized when it comes to checking gifts off my list – I’m usually in a last minute scramble to get everything done. So this year I polled the Mama Notes Community for some tips on how to be a more organized shopper and love the advice these mamas had!


Do it early! And do it online. Wrap and label gifts as you buy them so you’re not left with one giant task when you want to be spending nice time together as a family

I have an Amazon wishlist for each child and I always add to it when I see something they would like. Then its ready to go go me to add to my cart, or to share the list with family members so they can buy something from it. Also, I read years ago about someone who got each child 4 gifts- something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read. I try to stick to this so I don’t get overwhelmed or go overboard.

I make Pinterest boards for everything and then remove them as I get them. I always try to do one handmade gift as well.

I like to use a spreadsheet to track ideas for all members of the family. Once items have been purchased they are highlighted. I start it early in the season to throw things in as I think of them and prepare for Black Friday sales!

Google sheet to share with my husband so we can easily keep track of who’s doing what and what we’ve purchased so far- and helps us keep track of spending. The Wunderlist app is also handy to share to-do lists for holiday shopping and check off as you go!

Keep your list on your iPhone so you have it with you at all times and aren’t overly tempted by items not on your shopping list!

Also, I go to the post office and pick up a huge stack of shipping boxes so I can address and package up everything at home and not hold up lines.

Amazon is your best friend. Buy the target wrapping paper early before the best patterns sell out.

2 bins, one for adults and one for children, as you buy you can place them in there until you wrap them

I try to order as much as possible online and I dedicate the guest bedroom to gift organization.





10 Tips For Your Most Organized Holiday Shopping Season Yet



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