Everything On My 3rd Trimester To-Do List



I’ve been feeling overwhelmed as my due date becomes closer and closer — not to mention everything I want to accomplish before the holidays begin (shopping, decorating etc.)! The other night I took a few minutes to write out a big, long to-do list and felt so much better after doing so. I’ve been trying to cross at least one item off per day, even if it’s something really small so I feel like I’m making progress. So many of you asked on social media for me to share, so today I am! After I had my graphic designer make this list I realized there were several things on the list that I would have included for 1st time moms that I’m not necessarily putting on my list this time……. I wrote a few of them out below! Click here to download the list and just make sure you hit ‘fit to page’ to print!

More on pregnancy: A Birth Doula Answers All My Questions, 19 Postpartum Essentials To Stock Up On, The Best Products For Pregnancy

Additional tasks for 1st time mamas:

  • Take a birth class & infant care class
  • Take a breastfeeding class & read as much as you can!
  • Research lactation consultants in your area and have one on file if you need to call




Everything On My 3rd Trimester To-Do List


  1. Marissa says:

    What breastfeeding app do you like the best?

  2. Omg, this is so much more doable than the ones I researched and based my nesting list off of. Stealing!

  3. Shelley says:

    I’m a first timer, and obsessed with checklists. I’ve been having a hard time finding one! This looks great for 3rd tmester, but do you have one for the 1st and 2nd??

  4. Lacey says:

    My fav app for baby sleep tracking is Huckleberry. It is amazing at predicting naps and prevent over tired babies.

  5. Sarah says:

    Hi Caitlin,

    Thank you so much for this list! I’ve been completely distracted with everyone going on in the world. I’m 30 weeks today with my 2nd and this is a great reminder of all the things I need to tackle soon. Unfortunately, I just learned that my hospital in NYC is banning all labor support people (despite WHO, DOH, and CDC guidance that says 1 support person should be permitted), so my husband will not be allowed in the hospital during the labor and delivery. I’m devastated obviously, so I’m adding to the top of my 3rd trimester to-do list – lobby my hopsital officials to change this inhumane policy and see if we can afford to switch to an out-of-network hospital (which we almost certainly cannot). If you or any of your followers would like to sign a petition to reverse the policy you can do so at change.org: https://www.change.org/p/andrew-m-cuomo-safeguard-the-right-of-all-laboring-people-during-covid-19-crisis.

    On a lighter note, thank you so much for your many activities for toddlers. I’ve used so many over the past two weeks at home with my 3 year old!

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