January Organizational Challenge



Today I’m really EXCITED to kick off my January organizational challenge. I’m a habitual hoarder, I collect SO much stuff, I’m messy by nature and I’ve decided that 2019 is the year that I get our home and life organized. I quickly realized this was NOT going to happen overnight or during our holiday break. This organization process is going to be a JOURNEY. And I’m going to give myself the slow month of January to really work on it, sharing updates with you along the way. I’d love for you to join in – it’s always fun to work with other people and connect during these types of personal challenges! Here’s the approach and strategy that I’m going to take. 

+ First off I plan on dedicating at least 30 minutes per day on organizing. That’s 14 hours total this month if I do the bare minimum. This will be a challenge in it’s self but I plan on doing it after the kids go to bed instead of sitting on my laptop. I don’t have the time to dedicate a FULL day to this but I know that I can find 30 minutes every day if I make it a priority, sometimes longer, too! 

+ I’m making a list of projects that I want to really tackle below – but overall I’m starting with each room and the outside – before delving into drawers and cabinets, etc. 

+I’m going to activate my Poshmark account to sell clothes, coats and shoes! I’m going to be making WEEKLY trips to Goodwill on Friday after I drop Piper off at school. One issue I have is make piles of stuff to ‘take to Goodwill’ one day and it clutters up our basement. Getting in the routine of taking the donations OUT of the house will help with this!  I also have a problem of holding onto stuff that I may want to use ‘one day’ or ‘may try to sell one day’. If I have something I don’t want and haven’t sold it by Friday – it’s off to Goodwill. 

+ Once I get to the girls rooms & playrooms I’m getting back into our monthly toy-rotation. I’m putting this on the calendar so I don’t forget. I’m going to keep out far LESS toys + games (mainly new ones we got over the holidays) and store the others in our guest room, rotating with ‘fresh’ new stuff every month. The girls forget about what they even have, and we did this in the past with Piper and it was a huge success! 

Here’s My List Of Projects To Tackle

+Kitchen/Pantry – figure out food organization system for this constant mess. Spice rack project and kids drawer organization. 

+Living Room Toys – We have our beautiful new Ikea shelves and inside is a total disaster – I would love to get organized systems in place in the shelves that give us a spot for everything! 

+Closets – ALL of our closets need an overhaul and organization.  Purge/donate/store leaving out only winter clothes. I need to work on my clothes storage options for the girls and put away the stuff that no longer fits them. 

+Beauty Cabinet/Bathroom – Toss all of my old makeup, decide what can be donated that I haven’t tried yet from samples. 

+Playroom – Organize the art cabinet (I started this last year and gave up halfway through), get a toy rotation set up, and organize our toy cabinet/holder to give some system to it. 

+Nighstand- My nightstand is full of junk I don’t use 90% of the time and a huge waste of space! 

+Bedroom Shelves – Total cluttered, dusty mess!! Need to style, organize books and simply get rid of stuff up there! 




January Organizational Challenge



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