Wearing: ASOS Cardigan, ASOS Maternity Tank, Ingrid & Isabel Maternity Jeans, Freda Salvador Flats
It’s been a month since my last pregnancy update and today marks the start of my 3rd trimester! I Check out a recap of my 1st trimester here and my 20 week update here, and 24 week update here.
I’m feeling OK – most days I’d say it’s pretty good! Mostly I’m just overwhelmed and stressed with work and all that I need to get done before our baby girl arrives (like come up with a name!) — so I need to get better about doing yoga and trying to relax. I know how important it is in this final stretch to take care of myself.
Around 2 or 3pm most of my energy for the day is gone and I have a hard time getting much done.
Physically, my sciatica nerve pain is has been absent the past few weeks which has been wonderful :) I do get uncomfortable if I’m standing for more than an hour or two and found myself struggling and a recent trip to our Renaissance Festival. I’m a little worried about the 4 fall weddings I have to make it through but know I can do it! Heartburn has been pretty bad lately and I’ve been taking tums here and there, trying to not eat at all after dinner and limit my fluids before bed. I’ve also propped up my pillow and that seems to be helping.
I’m hoping I can slow down a bit to enjoy more time with Piper as our only child, really get this house ready to bring an infant home to and get organized with work so I feel better about being out!
I toss and turn most of the night – some are better than others. I still haven’t had to get up in the night to use the bathroom yet though, so I count that as a plus!
I’ve still been eating a lot of carbs and reaching for more and more snacks…. I slightly updated what I’ve been eating most of below but not much changed!
Breakfast: Puffin’s Cereal + Almond Milk, Ezekial toast with almond butter and sliced bananas or greek yogurt with sliced fruit, granola and a drizzle of agave maple syrup — and for a treat bagel and cream cheese (trying to limit this to the weekends but doesn’t always happen). This week I’m going to try and make Piper & I eggs on the days she doesn’t go to school (Tuesday & Thursday)
Lunch: When I don’t have leftovers I’ve still been eating my wraps – I love them! Whole wheat tortilla with hummus, cucumber slices, spinach and sliced turkey ( I stick it in the microwave for 15 seconds). Sometimes I add cheese and mustard and omit the hummus.
Snacks: Peanut butter filled pretzels from Trader Joe’s, cottage cheese, string cheese, apples with almond butter (I have this practically every day), mini dark chocolate peanut butter cups, gummy candy, hummus & carrots, pretzel crisps & hummus, smoothies!
I’ve been trying to do yoga videos as much as I can, usually a few nights a week. I also just got Aaptiv and have been trying to do cardio when I can. I posted all about this here.
Up to 22lbs!! I think I gained 25-30 total with Piper.
I’ve still been wearing these sweatpants with this twist tee around the house.
I have 3 pairs of leggings I absolutely LOVE now: These from Target , these by Blanqi – which I think will be really great post-partum too and finally these for exercise by Ingrid & Isabel. Can’t recommend them all enough.
I also finally found a GREAT pair of maternity jeans. I ordered these from Loft and they are good, but a little big in the thighs for me –perfect for a more casual look though. So I was really excited to try out these Ingrid & Isabel, they seriously fit like a glove and are so comfortable. They will be my go-to for fall!
I picked up this vest from Target over the weekend in an XL to wear over my bump the next two months and in post-partum and I love it!
Besides my growing bump……
My skin has improved! I swear its because I’ve been using this pregnancy peel religiously.
Energy has been zapped by mid-day and I need to rest a lot more.
Lot’s and lots of baby movement and kicks.
I’ve been doing a lot of shopping for my capsule wardrobe but also started stocking up on baby stuff. I feel like I’ve been doing a lot of shopping in general, I’m trying to space it out so I’m not buying everything at once and I also need to get all my Christmas shopping done soon, too!
You can read this post with my whole shopping list for this baby, I’m almost done – just need to pick a Gathre mat, crib & changing table sheets and order a few more burp cloths.
I’m shopping for a going home outfit for our girl – I’m thinking of a cute bow for photos and then the same onesie and hat that Piper wore from L’ovedbaby Organics.
Giving birth!! I go back and forth about feeling confident and feeling unprepared. Because I was induced with Piper (you can read her birth story here) I don’t have the experience of going into labor on my own so I’m anxious about that (but hoping it happens and I’m not induced this time)!
As I mentioned, I’ve been doing a lot of shopping! Our wood floors are being installed in the nursery TODAY so I’m hoping that in the next few days the room really comes together, we have most of the elements already!
We have our first stockpile of diapers & wipes :)
Last weekend I took an inventory of baby clothes and picked up a few newborn size sleepers and feel like I’m pretty set now! I may get a few “outfits” for winter and Christmas and I still need to wash everything.
This weekend I hope to get out all of the baby gear and start to clean and organize it.
I’ve been buying things for Piper’s big sister gift at the hospital and will be doing a full post on it soon!
I haven’t had to get up to pee in the middle of the night either, but I’m definitely doing a lot of tossing and turning! My mother-in-law gave me a Snoogle pillow that I’m IN LOVE WITH. I wasn’t going to buy one for myself because I heard they really didn’t do much, but I’m a believer. My dog likes to steal it to nap in during the day. HA!