One of the most popular topics that’s been requested surrounding pregnancy content is how exactly to survive pregnancy when you already have other children. For the most part my pregnancies have been pretty easy, aside from the normal exhaustion which I am very grateful for – but I know that is not the case for many mamas! I enlisted the help of our amazing community to share their tips for how to balance this time period, and I’m sharing a few things that helped me below!
My tips:
Like many moms below suggested, I fully embraced screen time in the 1st and 3rd trimesters when I just did not have the energy to entertain as much. In addition to PBS kids on REPEAT we also get the Playview players from the library that come pre-loaded with shows and books on them. Piper also got an Osmo for Christmas which has really come in handy!
My activity boxes also help – since I put them together when I have more energy and then all I have to do is pull them out when I need something to do!
I have also been getting up EARLY to give myself an hour of time to do whatever I need to do when I have more energy, whether that be work or housework. I give myself grace every single day after 3pm when I am so tired.
I take a nightly shower AS soon as both girls are in bed. This is my 20 minutes ALONE and I look forward to it so much! I also have been reading an hour before bed – squeezing in all the pregnancy R&R I can while still being a working mom.
Giving myself grace, realizing that this phase of pregnancy along with the newborn phase is only temporary. I think I finally understand that now!
Embracing easier menus and dinners.
And in case you need any ideas, here’s a list of our favorite indoor toys for winter and our favorite toddler games!
Here’s what our community of mamas had to say!
Enroll in prenatal yoga
Nap when your toddlers nap. If you can’t nap at least rest your feet! * This was suggested by MANY moms.
Another great nap tip – take the first 25% of nap/rest time for work and chores and the rest to sit & rest for yourself, set a timer!
Lower your expectations. *This was suggested by MANY moms.
A few new toys = more independent play time (introduce them one at a time)* This was suggested by several moms.
Let go of the guilt that you may not always be up for playing with them.
Don’t feel bad about more screen time * This was suggested by MANY moms.
Library, classes, anything that takes the pressure off of you to entertain them, even if just a walk!
Let the little stuff go and listen to your body, don’t be afraid to ask for help!
Don’t try to do it all, laundry can be dirty, dishes can remain in the sink.
Ask for help, hire babysitters and enlist family if they are nearby!
These are great tips! The afternoon slump is definitely hard here!
xoxo, Jenna